A bouncy pop like tune, this song gets over like nothing else on the record.

"Living On A Prayer" is a good song that hints at some sort of originality and passion, and it's corny, heartfelt lyrics, while coming off like Springsteen lite, are nonetheless effective given this musical treatment. Well judging from this weak effort you deserve it, you putz. "I play my part/And you play your game/You give love a bad name" they continue with a macho whine that has to be heard to be believed. And they go on and on and on with cliche after cliche after cliche. This super smash single gives all involved a bad name. But why do you sound like a choir of fifty proclaiming it rather then the little Jersey band you are, you sugary Def Leppard wannabes. "Shot through the heart and you're to blame/Darlin' you give love a bad name"! Well, ok. Rename this super smash garbage "We Give Rock A Bad Name" and it would suit this song to a tee. Next we're treated to the over loud and overbearing "You Give Love A Bad Name". Meh, this song is DOA with stale hard rock riffs and Jon sounding like a screechy Paul Stanley. "Let it rock/Let it roll/ You can't stop the fire burning out of control". "Let It Rock" kicks off this bland collection of songs with some god awful organ intro reminiscent of some god awful Styx song and then continues to plunder and rape bad bands gone past with over five minutes of what sounds like Kiss at their bombastic worst. We'll get to the incredible suckitude right off the bat. Americans must have been desperate in 1986 for something. For the love of humanity, this album sucks! Were they trying to drive a nail through the heart of rock n roll with this happy crappy? WTF is this all about? Do my ears deceive me? Unfortunately they don't.